Daniel Olivera [b]

Real name: Olivera, Alberto Daniel
(30 November 1963 - )
Place of birth:
Buenos Aires Argentina

e studied and graduated from the Seminario de letrística de la Academia Nacional del Tango in 2015.

He was awarded the first prize in the category «Canción Porteña» at the Certamen Homero Expósito 2014 for unpublished lyrics, for his lyrics “Germen”, which with music composed by Edgardo Acuña was recorded in the album Tango Fresco III.

He collaborated in the album by the La Martino Orquesta Típica, led by Nehuén Martino, which was nominated for the Gardel awards 2017, in the category Best Album-New Tango Artist, with his lyrics “Adónde va” and “Puerto de origen”.

He is also author of “Grafiti de tangos”, with music by Nicolás Abosky, which was recorded by the Tango Rante trio.

He won the third prize at the IV Concurso Literario de Poesía y Cuento Corto «Mario Nestoroff» 2016 (Literary Contest on Poetry and Short Stories), at the category Poems, with his poem “Harto”.

He also had a special mention at the XIX Certamen Nacional de Poesía «Antonio Nelson Romera», organized by EDEA (Encuentro de Escritores de Avellaneda)(Encounter of Writers of Avellaneda), with his poem “La palabra”.